We are now a proud dealer of AlturnaMATS, the original ground protection mat! We offer the full line of AlturnaMATS, VersaMATS, Outrigger Pads, and accessories. The mats have applications across many industries including:
- Tree Care
- Construction
- Landscaping
- Drilling
- Golf Courses
- Utilities
- Catering & Events
- Concrete
- Septic Pumping
Protect your customers ground and save yourself thousands of $$$ in replacement costs. AlturaMATS also saves you money if you are currently using plywood as ground protection. See below:

AlturnaMATS vs. Plywood Cost Comparison
Assuming a sheet of 5/8″ plywood would be used two times per week and the maximum number of times it can be used is ten times, this translates into 10.4 weeks in a year (52 ÷ 5 = 10.4). The following calculations indicate substantial savings using AlturnaMATS vs. plywood over a six-year period.
10.4 Number of weeks a sheet of plywood can be used per year
x 12 Number of 4′ x 8′ sheets in this example
124.8 Total sheets of plywood used each year
x 6 Number of years in this analysis
748.8 Total sheets used in six years
x $20 Cost per sheet of 5/8″, 4′ x 8′ plywood (per 84 Lumber)
$14,976 Total plywood cost for six years
AlturnaMATS – Guaranteed for six years
$235 Approximate cost of 4′ x 8′ Alturnamat
x 12 Number of mats in this analysis
$2,820 Total Alturnamats cost for six years
$14, 976 Plywood Cost
– 2,820 AlturnaMATS Cost
$12,156 Savings over six-year period